(Coucher du soleil d'hier près de Tokyo)
Divine Comedy 2007 (XII)
[Comédie Divin 2007 - XII
1. Dynamics and Functions of 9/11 Terror Related Entities
(Please double click the following figure image.)
More than 20 Japanese were killed in the U.S. by the acts of terror on Sept. 11, 2001.
Ten Japanese were killed in the Luxor Massacre that took place in Egypt on 17 November 1997.
I am now offering my condolences to all the victims of terror and conspiracies from 1997 to 2007, including about 3,000 US victims in New York and about 4,000 US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan in addition to many, many Iraqi and Afghan children.
2. The Incumbent Japanese Prime Minister
The Prime Minister of Japan was hospitalized this morning.
His decision on resignation is rather great, in my personal view.
His efforts to keep composure have been rather aesthetic, in my personal view.
In Japanese, we sometimes refer to the following expression on such a fatal occasion:
"Migoto-na Ketsudan. Otoko-no Bigaku."
(A great decision [on oneself]! Aesthetic [felt in disposition] of a real man!)
The domestic and foreign media should not let him down in a despicable manner.
3. The Beautiful
In the Gospel of the King James Version, there is only one sentence where the adjective "beautiful" is used:
"Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
Faced with love, the "beautiful" cannot be a norm.
Love is directly linked to eternity as well as unequivocalness; but the beautiful is a little too circumstantial and relative.
4. Love Your Enemy
If you look at the above "Analytical Scheme on Dynamics and Functions of 9/11 Terror Players," you will find money is circulating from US tax payers to terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It may be that 33% of a total budget amount of AlQaeda can be directly traced back to US tax payers as a source.
It may be a time for US tax payers to think about solving the terror issue by exercising their love to enemy.
(Recently I wondered why a beautiful woman sometimes put on crazy clothes. Nowadays I often wonder why a lovely woman sometimes wears very monochromatic clothes.
Does it symbolize an end of the so-called Christianity and the beginning of Islam or something true?
What do you think of it?
I usually avoid buying and wearing clothes, if I do once a year or so in each season, of a color or a pattern I like most, though I am a 100% civilian in Japan.
Yet, what do you think of it?
Jesus Christ never wore classy, cool, or high-priest-like clothes, even if in His video tape appearance, my dear Muslims.)
"... which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness..."