Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The World Unholy Money Flow

Heavenly bamboo or "Nan-ten"

Japanese persimmons or "Kaki"

The World Unholy Money Flow
(L'argent impie débit dans le monde)

If we are going to argue a 760 billion dollar issue, we need a help of God, since a million gangsters might try to stop the argument.

However, I have to very openly analyze the issue, since the Japanese Government has already issued a White Paper on it.
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The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan has issued "White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2007 --- Japan's Trade Strategy on improving industrial productivity and accelerating economic growth."

For English version, please refer to http://www.meti.go.jp/english/report/downloadfiles/2007WhitePaper/Overview0712.pdf.

Especially, you can find evidence of economic globalization on page 4:
"The global trade in goods and services has risen dramatically since the latter half of the 1990s and in 2005 it reached a volume of approximately US$12.8 trillion, accounting for 28.8% of global nominal GDP."

For the relationship between the U.S. and China on page 6:
"Looking at the US balance of trade with a number of trading partner countries and regions, we see that the largest trade deficit is with China, which accounts for approximately one-quarter of the entire trade deficit."

This situation has apparently greatly influenced the relationship between the U.S. and North Korea, since North Korea's largest supporter is China.

But, more interesting is a figure presented in the Japanese version of the METI's White Paper as shown below in my version for you to click it.
( http://www.meti.go.jp/report/tsuhaku2007/2007honbun/figindex.html)

Put simply, the US' deficit of about 760 billion dollars are countered by total 760 billion dollars transferred, funded, invested, or input by other countries including Japan and the oil producing countries.

That is why Japan should be more consulted by the U.S. for the War on Terror initiated in the oil producing countries.

The second figure "(2) INDIRECT GLOBAL MONEY FLOW TO THE US (2005)" tells that financial institutions and the financial industries in the U.K. and Western Europe are helping indirect money flow to the U.S. by collecting investments from Japan, the oil producing countries and so on.

The most important issue is how poor citizens in the U.S. would justify or oppose this huge biased money flow from other countries to the U.S.

Will they like to keep this state so that they can also directly enjoy benefits of this global monetary scheme when they become rich someday?

This is one reason for some businessmen, economists, critics, the media, and politicians in Japan want to change current relationships with various US economic and social sectors.

The oil-producing countries and China should consult Japan in this regard.

(Now, you know how sinful the US economy is without speaking of domestic house-loan crimes.

And, you know how sinful financial institutions and the financial industries in the U.K. and Western Europe are as they willingly supply funds to the U.S.

Indeed, you must understand now why it is great that you, whether in New York, Riyadh, or Beijing, refer to EEE Reporter, since it is delivered from Japan.

Truly, you, whether in Chicago, New Orleans, or Mexico City, will be greater to make yourself a holy reporter someday, say, naming it Centennial Cure-all Crystalline [CCC] Reporter.)

"...How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith!..."

(Es steht schlimm mit der Welt, well es in ihr Dinge gibt, durch die Menschen das Vertrauen zu Gott verlieren konnen)