Let’s Go, Let’s; Go Science!
(La science est utile.)
Last night in my dream, I saw a young woman, nominated as a manager of a software development section, making a hard effort to improve performance with difficult staff, though she dressed in black and the office did not look like part of a government agency.
It is maybe because I made a humble trip to 1980’s yesterday.
SECTION I: 1985 International Exposition at Tsukuba
I got up from a grassy knoll and stood at a humble bus stop, however with my interest aroused, picking up an acorn, though not a small bullet at all, and tossing it back onto the framed ground holding a tree in the middle of a concrete pavement.
Here finally came a humble but modern bus, five minutes behind time.
I left the small stainless steel gate, suspending a face of Isaac Newton composed of many steel beads, at the bus stop.
The bus driver, older than middle aged, said that his bus never came earlier than scheduled, since he sensed my complaining look when getting on the bus.
The only other passenger, a jolly-looking local old woman apparently having enjoyed conversations with the driver, asked me whether I was going back to Tokyo or such a direction.
I said that I could not find any trace of 1985’s International Exposition in the park. “Even transportation is so inconvenient as if prohibiting access today. From what railroad station did they operate the bus service to the Expo site in 1985?”
The old woman sitting near the driver’s seat said as if consulting the driver, “It was Arakawa-Oki Station, wasn’t it?” I was surprised and dared to say, “Is it that station where a young madman killed and injured several people with his knives in the daytime recently?”
The very-modestly dressed old woman said, “If policemen on the emergency lookout (for the mad fugitive who had already killed an old man several days before) at the station had been in uniform, passengers should have been more alarmed and there would have been less victims.”
I said, “Oh, I could not even catch a glimpse of Mt. Tsukuba from the Expo Park unbelievably now full of trees.”
She, herself a very low-key old woman, turning her head to the right as if taking me lightly, said, “You can see it now over there.”
I pulled out a camera from a pocket, took pictures from the opposite seat over a window, and put the camera back in the pocket, while the bus was approaching a railroad station recently opened on a new line connecting Tokyo and Tsukuba City.
It took 1,000 yen from the station to the Expo Park by taxi and cost 200 yen back by bus.
Then I came back home by train crossing over the Japan’s No.1 Tone River to my humble highland city in the middle of the drainage area of the holy Arakawa-River.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - Supplement (December 14, 2007)
1. Was there enough gravitational energy present in the World Trade Center Towers to cause the collapse of the intact floors below the impact floors? Why was the collapse of WTC 1 and 2 not arrested by the intact structure below the floors where columns first began to buckle?
Yes, there was more than enough gravitational load to cause the collapse of the floors below the level of collapse initiation in both WTC Towers. The vertical capacity of the connections supporting an intact floor below the level of collapse was adequate to carry the load of 11 additional floors if the load was applied gradually and 6 additional floors if the load was applied suddenly (as was the case). Since the number of floors above the approximate floor of collapse initiation exceeded six in each WTC Tower (12 and 29 floors, respectively), the floors below the level of collapse initiation were unable to resist the suddenly applied gravitational load from the upper floors of the buildings.
Details of this finding are provided below:
…The individual connection capacities ranged from 94,000 lb to 395,000 lb, with a total vertical load capacity for the connections on a typical floor of 29,000,000 lb (See Section 5.2.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1-6C). The total floor area outside the core was approximately 31,000 ft2, and the average load on a floor under service conditions on September 11, 2001 was 80 lb/ft2. Thus, the total vertical load on a floor outside the core can be estimated by multiplying the floor area (31,000 ft2) by the gravitational load (80 lb/ft2), which yields 2,500,000 lb... By dividing the total vertical connection capacity (29,000,000 lb) of a floor by the total vertical load applied to the connections (2,500,000 lb), the number of floors that can be supported by an intact floor is calculated to be a total of 12 floors or 11 additional floors.
This simplified and conservative analysis indicates that the floor connections could have carried only a maximum of about 11 additional floors if the load from these floors were applied statically. Even this number is (conservatively) high, since the load from above the collapsing floor is being applied suddenly. Since the dynamic amplification factor for a suddenly applied load is 2, an intact floor below the level of collapse initiation could not have supported more than six floors. Since the number of floors above the level where the collapse initiated, exceeded 6 for both towers (12 for WTC 1 and 29 for WTC 2), neither tower could have arrested the progression of collapse once collapse initiated. In reality, the highest intact floor was about three (WTC 2) to six (WTC 1) floors below the level of collapse initiation. Thus, more than the 12 to 29 floors reported above actually loaded the intact floor suddenly.
You can see the iron structure salvaged:
The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories are as follows, according to State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP):
1) The World Trade Center (WTC) twin towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions.
…Demolition firms had very sensitive seismographs operating at other sites in Manhattan on September 11. None recorded any explosions during the tower collapses…
For more information, see ImplosionWorld’s article on the WTC collapses and Popular Mechanics, parts 4 and 5.
2) No plane hit the Pentagon on September 11. Instead, it was a missile fired by elements “from inside the American state apparatus.”
…Numerous photographs show airplane debris at the crash site, as was also witnessed by survivors and rescue personnel. See sections 4:57 to 6:00 of the “911 Case Study: Pentagon Flight 77” video for pictures of airliner debris.
For more information, see “Did a Plane Hit the Pentagon?” and Popular Mechanics, part 6.
3) The planes that hit the World Trade Center towers were remotely controlled.
4) United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, was shot down by a missile.
5) World Trade Center building 7 was destroyed by a controlled demolition.
6) Insider trading in the stocks of United Airlines and American Airlines just before September 11 is evidence of advance knowledge of the plot.
7) Four thousand Jews failed to show up for work at the World Trade Center on September 11.
8) Al Qaida is not responsible for the September 11 attacks.
In an audiotape released on May 23, 2006, bin Laden stated, “I was responsible for entrusting the 19 brothers … with those raids ….”
In a November 2001 tape, bin Laden said, “We calculated in advance the number of casualties … who would be killed …. I was the most optimistic of them all. … Due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only.”
For more information, see “Al Qaeda and September 11th.”
(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)
My theory on the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory is that it has been concocted by the Bilderbergers so as to make them look smarter than they really are.
The Bush Administration, of course, could not commit terrorism on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing and injuring thousands of people in August 1998, on USS Cole killing 17 crewmembers at a port of Yemen in 2000, on Bali Island killing 202 people in Indonesia in 2002, on the Madrid trains killing 191 people in Spain in 2004, on the London subway lines killing 52 people in the U.K. in 2005, and on Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan in 2007.
My theory on the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory is that it has been concocted by the Bilderberg Group so as to make their ties with Islamic super-rich people out of sight, since those believing the Conspiracy Theory never discuss the relationships between the Bushes, though one of the most respectable American clans just like the Kennedies, and the bin Ladens.
Also, agents of the Chinese Communist Party like the Conspiracy Theory, since it will allow them to recruit possible collaborators for their cause while keeping good relationships with the Bush Administration.
In 1985, I was studying software codes for some scientific calculations.
(In my career in the computer-related field, I have seldom seen software engineers who could understand such software technology, though some of them were too proud simply working in a foreign company providing financial services [i.e., they are mostly the second class programmers, like the former president of Livedoor now controlled by Goldman Sachs, who could not understand the first-rate talent of a kind often found in major Japanese makers such as Hitachi and Fujitsu...].)
So, I am telling you that those working in companies managed or controlled by members of the Bilderbarg Group are not so smart at all like the Bilderbargers themselves.
Listen to first-rate scientists in Japan and the U.S., if you want to know the scientific truth of WTC collapse on Sept. 11, 2001.
But, what were you doing in 1985, while an EXPO was being held at Tsukuba, Japan, for the theme of “Dwellings and Surroundings - Science and Technology for Man at Home?”
(From what I observed in news reports of these days, I suppose, we had better listen to the one again:
http://ongakukan.music.coocan.jp/musicstudio/sp-group-sounds/myuuhiganaiteiru.html [青春音楽館]
It is because a surviving middle school girl in Sichuan, China, might see the setting sun over a blackboard in a classroom that saved her virtually from the horrible earthquake in Godspeed…)
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.