The Meiji Shrine in Tokyo
(Le sanctuaire de Meiji à Tokyo)
Revelation 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
(I had a dream last night in which a former Japanese Prime Minister appeared. He looked however different from his usual appearance, since his hair was cut and well combed like an ordinary businessman.
Then, I woke up and went out to the Meiji Shinto Shrine in Tokyo this morning.
I offered homage to the spirit of the Emperor Meiji, the grandfather of the Emperor Showa, though it is now the Heisei Era in Japan, 20 years after the Showa Era.
Yet, I also greeted a homeless man near a railroad station in Tokyo on my way back.
And I came home safely an hour ago.
Now, I am waiting for a miracle to happen here and there…)
John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
As links to the "Amazing Grace" sound have caused some problems in my Windows-XP-based PC, those links on April 30 and May 1 have been deleted.
I have used the "RECOVERY FUNCTION" from internal Help and Support of Windows XP to restore conditions of the PC to the ones of some days ago.
However, my VISTA OS-based PC has no problems when linking to the "Amazing Grace" sound pages.
Maybe, an XP's inherent problem, a media player's problem, or my old XP PC's unique problem.
Anyway, I am awfully sorry if anybody has had the same problem in using an XP PC.
In any such a case, change the state of your PC to the one operated when your PC worked well by using the "RECOVERY FUNCTION" of internal Help and Support of Windows XP.
Though I always expose the link address for your judgment and adopt only safe link addresses, ultimately there is no assurance of safety in the world of the Internet for any operation due to original technical specifications of the Internet.
Please ask help from an engineer who at laest knows the term "RFC" (Internet technical documents) to get reliable support on an Internet problem.