So, I gave a warning on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto late last year.
The Afghan government for the first time publicly accused the Pakistani intelligence service on Wednesday of organizing the failed plot to assassinate President Hamid Karzai at a parade in Kabul in April.
But, the Ever Benevolent God told me that I must possess some materials to refer to as He so wishes.
SECTION I: Ms. Laurie Mylroie
Accordingly I remembered the book "Study of Revenge: The First World Trade Center Attack and Saddam Hussein's War against America" in which however the author Ms. Laurie Mylroie claims that Saddam Hussein was behind Mr. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, one of the planners of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
A majority of members of the mainstream media and the political circle have dismissed her claim as groundless, since various investigation the U.S. officials and agents conducted in Iraq after the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime could not find any proof that could support Mr. Mylroie’s claim (as well as the existence of weapons for mass destruction).
But, her book caught some international attentions; even in Japan a member of the Parliament once raised her claim in an official session years ago, in my humble memory.
Among the politically and academically high-level activities in her career, the most striking is the fact that "she had been a secret go-between between Baghdad and Jerusalem" as some witnesses so stated.
(Ms. Laurie Mylroie was the advisor on Iraq to the 1992 Clinton Presidential campaign.)
Which could be more like a perfect conspiracy, the Bush Administration’s act of terror at the WTC towers and the Pentagon with numerous bombs and missiles on Sept. 11, 2001 or the Saddam Hussein regime’s act of intelligently supporting the Islamic terror groups including AlQaeda?.
That is it! It is perfect now that everybody denies the theory presented by Ms. Laurie Mylroie, an ex assistant professor at the Department of Government at Harvard.
It looks so, as "in March 2008, the Pentagon released its study of some 600,000 documents captured in Iraq after the 2003 invasion (see 2008 Pentagon Report)." But this study "found no 'smoking gun' (i.e., direct connection) between Saddam's Iraq and al Qaeda," according to Wikipedia.
Nothing must be written in any documents, if it is a perfect conspiracy.
It looks so all the more, since “it also found that Saddam's Iraq was supporting Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman's al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group), which was behind the 1993 attacks,” according to Wikipedia.
This Islamic Group killed 63 tourists, including 10 Japanese, at the Temple of Hatshepsut (Deir el-Bahri) in Luxor in November, 1997.
Even on the surface level, "in 2003 the group renounced bloodshed but three years later there were reports of an alliance with terror group al-Qaeda."
First of all, the US intelligence community could not correctly measure graveness of the progress of AlQaeda’s terror from the US Embassies bombing in East Africa in 1998 through the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 to the 9/11 Terror in 2001.
Secondly, though Iraq is a nation with relatively shorter history, people in the Mesopotamia has a longer history than Western Europeans and thus European Americans in terms of civilization, wars, and conspiracies.
Third, they all speak Arabic in Arab states. They all belong to the Islamic culture. And, some of them have huge resources of big money due to abundant oil fields. And, their long history has allowed deployment of very complicated human and financial networks. For example, they don’t need any written proofs, records, reports, or documents or charts to plan, organize, and order the action of terror, since they are all Muslims reading their Holy Book written in Arabic.
Therefore, the following story could be realized in the WTC attack in 1993:
One day a President of Iraq talked to himself that in this wide world there must be some Islamic warriors who would rather bravely attack the WTC towers in New York.
His monologue could not be missed by one or two secret agents around him whose names were however not on any lists of officials of the Iraqi Government. And, the agent would ask someone suitable but non-Iraqi to fly to Pakistan to meet a friend of AlQaeda or such a group. And then, a very unique or unlikely terrorist flew to New York to carry out the WTC attack in 1993.
Indeed, when Mr. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef started to reveal his plan of terror to his supporters in New York in 1992 or early in 1993, he first told them that some streets where many Judaists lived should be the target. But, gradually, he changed his target to finally fix it on the WTC tower, saying that there were many Judaists in the building.
This was a nice technique, since nobody doubted that the WTC tower was the predetermined target. In fact, the secret Iraqi agent had read the mind of the Iraqi President who wanted the debacle of the symbol of New York as Baghdad had been so badly air-bombed during the 1991 Gulf War. New York must lose face as Baghdad lost face…
Consequently, the US Government might issue, several years later, "its study of some 600,000 documents captured in Iraq after the 2003 invasion that showed no 'smoking gun' (i.e., direct connection) between Saddam's Iraq and al Qaeda."
Indeed, there cannot be any direct connection between Saddam Hussein and Mr. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef.
What I wanted to stress is that the lack of respect in the US Government for Ms. Laurie Mylroie seems to have led to the Terror on the Pentagon and the WTC towers in Sept. 2001.
It could be, even if Saddam Hussein never thought aloud on the possible fall of the WTC tower after his face-losing defeat in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
If you doubt, ask any proud Arab if he would not even mutter to himself about the possible fall of the WTC tower after his face-losing defeat in the 1991 Persian Gulf War provided that he should be a President of Iraq.
American arrogance was precisely hard hit by Arab or Islamic pride through the meta-conspiracy prior to 2001, in my humble view, as is now observed in Afghanistan, seven years after 2001.
It is time for the US Government to respect the pride of poor people in the world.
(Allow me to mumble some, too: Oh, I wish I could go for sight-seeing, say, to Florence or Firenze, since I might see someone there! )
Mat 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?