My new theories are about a financial conspiracy by Wall Street and an act of financial terror by oil-producing Islamic countries in addition to the sophisticated CO2 colonialism.
Late last night in Japan, a TV news program showed Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton sitting side by side in an air plane.
I have not much to say about them, but the following news article a year ago should be checked by US voters, since Bilderbergers who lost big money in the subprime loan transactions look now like trying hard to make up for their losses by resorting to their financial arms’ operation in the crude oil market. It is truly regarded as another act of a conspiracy.
Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
Wednesday, April 18, 2007; Page D02
…The Illinois senator raised $479,209 from employees at the banks in the quarter, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Giuliani collected $473,442, and Clinton got $447,625. The figures are based on employers listed by the donors; in some cases, names are incomplete or missing…
The employees of Goldman Sachs and UBS gave Obama more than $260,000 combined. His top fundraisers include David Heller, a managing director at Goldman, and Robert Wolf, chief executive of UBS Americas.
"I've never had a higher hit ratio in terms of asking people for money and them saying yes," said James Torrey, an Obama fundraiser and chief executive of New York-based Torrey Associates, a $1.3 billion fund of funds.
Employees of Goldman, the world's biggest securities firm by market value, donated $120,250 to Obama, who addressed Goldman's annual partners' meeting in Chicago last year, and $113,750 to Romney, the filings show. Clinton got $64,400 from the firm's employees.….
U.S. employees of Zurich-based UBS gave more than $140,000 to Obama, compared with $62,050 to Giuliani and $9,100 for Clinton. Romney raised $24,100 from UBS employees, and McCain took in $16,000….
During the quarter, New York-based Bear Stearns hosted presidential candidates from both parties. In the end, the firm's employees gave their biggest group of donations to Giuliani. He received $67,942 of their more than $200,000 in contributions.
It is well known that Mrs. Clinton has strong supporters in the Rothschild clan, though it is said that she now needs big money to pay back debts and Mr. Obama is financially very sympathetic to her, which tells what Bilderbaergers can do at most for their failed friend.
Mr. John McCain is a son of a US full admiral who is also a son of a US full admiral.
Mr. McCain was as wild as Mr. George W. Bush when he was young in late 1950’s and early 1960’s.
Mr. McCain loves boxing.
Indeed, when I checked his career in Wikipedia, I found an imposed image of an officer of the Roman Empire on him.
Mr. McCain can be rather easily understood by seeing a Roman Empire general in him, though what he served on active duty for was the Vietnam War but not the Jewish-Roman War.
In ’74 Thesis, the Seeds of McCain’s War Views
…But in Mr. McCain's paper, he instead focused on the failure to sustain public support for the fight. The paper was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and provided to The New York Times by Matt Welch, an author of a book about Mr. McCain.
He cast a cold eye on the public sympathy for prisoners like himself. “Two and a half million American fighting men served in the Vietnam conflict, and more importantly 46,000 sacrificed their lives,” Mr. McCain wrote. “Yet in the latter stages of that war millions of people were more actively concerned about the plight of 565 P.O.W.'s in Hanoi than in any bigger issue of the war.”
American elected officials, he argued, had fostered a myopic focus on the prisoners by forsaking the goal of unconditional surrender in favor of a negotiated peace, enabling the North Vietnamese to turn their hostages into a bargaining chip. "Many Congressional resolutions, favorable to the enemy, were based solely on the guaranteed return of Americans from North Vietnam," he wrote….
Mr. McCain's proposal that the military teach U.S. foreign policy to its recruits may be his most notable recommendation. "Too many men in the armed forces of the United States do not understand what this nation’s foreign policy is," Mr. McCain wrote, adding he did not propose a Soviet-style “indoctrination,” but “a simple, straightforward explanation of the foreign policy of the United States.”
In his e-mail message, Mr. McCain stood by the idea. "It is important, not just for P.O.W.'s, but all Americans serving in combat to understand the purpose and reason for the sacrifices they are asked to make for our country," he said…
If you mind most the subprime loan debacle, you may have to be more politically correctly concerned with the linkage between Mr. Obama and Wall Street.
But, if you mind most the War on Terror you may have to be more politically correctly concerned with the linkage between Mr. McCain and the paradigm he has lived on in his career since the era of the Vietnam War.
Having said so, your delving into the subprime-loan transactions catastrophe may lead to the discovery of the financial conspiracy producing the surge of oil prices behind which some Bilderbergers may be actively working.
The crazy surge of oil prices can be even regarded as an act of terror by oil-producing Islamic countries.
AlQaeda physically attacked WTC and the Pentagon; but now oil-producing Islamic countries look like being engaged in a financial act of terror against US consumers as well as global consumers.
So, this crazy surge of oil prices can be regarded as a combined effect of Bilderberger’s Wall Street-based conspiracy and a covert act of financial terror by oil-producing Islamic countries.
The issue is whether Mr. Obama being supported by Wall Street, especially by Goldman Sachs, can in earnest tackle this issue for US consumers and poor Americans.
The issue is also whether Mr. McCain supporting combats and other military maneuvers in the Middle East, can in earnest tackle this issue for US consumers and poor Americans.
Mr. Obama will have to scold at some Bilderberg Conference members so as to stop their suspected conspiracy to cause catastrophic inflation of oil prices.
Mr. McCain will have to scold at some oil-producing Islamic states’ leaders so as to stop their suspected terror to cause catastrophic inflation of oil prices
But, which looks more possible?
(In addition, I cannot help but assume that a price level over $170 is a clear evidence of my conspiracy and terror theories involving Wall Street and oil-producing Islamic nations being supported by CO2 conspirators in Europe.)
From a historical point view, the situation where Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama are competing resembles that of the Roman Empire getting closer to its downfall.
An old general living on the Roman military traditions is now facing a challenge posed by a young senator of mixed race who is enthusiastically supported by the burgeoning financial sector in Rome.
And, a majority of today’s Roman citizens, namely US voters, have to choose either of the two.
All they, namely US voters, have to do is to become members of a new religion, namely Christianity if 1700 years ago.
Inevitably today they, especially poor Americans, have to become members of an intangible group of believers being engaged in US Religious Revolution the number of which might be however deplorably still a few.
Anyway, even if the stability of the US economy and the global economic framework are lost due to the catastrophic inflation of oil prices, those who are engaged in US Religious Revolution must be saved just like those pious Christians in the Roman Empire.
Those Roman citizen Christians were saved in the darkest days of the collapsing Empire eventually to connect the glory of the Roman Empire to modern European Civilization through the medieval period, (though the controversial Vatican was also nurturing a dangerous ideology that was manifested in the 20th century by Nazis of Germany who once so much longed to inherit the military glory from the Roman Empire).
That is why I am telling you that you have to study the history, focusing on the era of Caesar, Cleopatra, and Jesus Christ that spanned just one or two generations.
Indeed, from the death of Cleopatra to the death of Jesus Christ it took only 63 or 65 years just like from the end of WWII to preset days.
Or specifically it can be comparable to 60 years between the demise of the Empire of Japan and the emergence of the EEE Reporter blog, if the God so stipulates.
(That is all for today, since you may look like a Mediterranean… )
Pro 7:1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.
Pro 7:2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Pro 7:3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.
Pro 7:4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:
Pro 7:5 That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.