Wednesday, September 02, 2009

"Be of Good Cheer"

(Prime Minister's Office, Tokyo)
(Around the Diet Bldg.)
(Parking Place for Lawmakers)(On August 29, 2009, nobody knew how this virtually year-long general election campaign, since Mr. Taro Aso replaced Mr. Yasuo Fukuda as prime minister, would end on August 30. But, where were they? Where were they on August 29? I alone exercised the sovereign authority, provided by the Constitution for every Japanese citizen, at the right place. So, where were they while the nation was to face a historic drama?)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

There is an English proverb, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Yet, what does it mean to you, specifically? To your astonishment, some people do not find beauty in a golden star but in gold coins.

There is also an English proverb some Japanese sometimes knowingly refer to:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

It is said that the original form is "He is full of good intentions or desires" as so written in the Bible.

However, they often misunderstand its implication.

If you are born super-rich and raised super-rich, you will be surrounded by those who toady to you with words of flattery.

In addition, you will be also surrounded by those who really respect and admire you, since they read you wrong, believing that you must have received blessing from God or the god of wealth. They will praise you from the bottom of their hearts as they want to partake in your fortune and good luck.

If you communicate with 100 of such persons every day, you will surely think that everybody in the world respects and admires you. Then, you will proudly start for the hell, since 10,000 people envy and hate you behind such 100.

So, if you are super-rich, you must not try to be president or prime minister of any nation.

SECTION I: View on Humanity by Japanese and the Anglo-Saxons

Any Japanese cannot be perfect in understanding humanity if he mastered Confucianism.

Not all the Anglo-Saxons are critically imperfectly influenced by Christianity.

Just looking back at the proceeding of bilateral and multilateral financial negotiations since the Plaza Accord reached on September 22, 1985 at the Plaza Hotel, New York, most of Japanese involved and concerned felt that they had to deal with a very aggressive type of the Anglo Saxons in the international arena since Japan along with its economic growth came to pose a threat to the the U.S. in terms of the financial power as well as the industrial power.

The cultural differences between the Japanese and the Anglo-Saxons were felt more in the financial competition than in the industrial competition.

Indeed, what drove the trend of very aggressive Anglo-Saxon monetary behaviors was not only their view on life, human beings, and the world but also the development of computer/telecommunications technology and, especially, related software power.

Yet, an approach to these technologies is highly influenced by a view on humanity.

That is why the American society could leverage the power of PCs and the Internet more than the Japanese in 1990's.

To tell the truth, it is a big enigma why Japan, having almost won the industrial war against the U.S. in late 1980's, could not leverage the new IT technology lucratively, especially, in the financial sector to overwhelm the U.S. in 1990's.

This situation is deeply rooted in different views by Japan and the U.S. on humanity.

Just like after the Great Depression in 1929 the U.S. had become more Anglo-Saxon than Christian, after the Plaza Accord and the Persian Gulf War the U.S. became more Anglo-Saxon than Christian, while the Japanese have been always under Confucianism.

Consequently, the Japanese elite had lost respect for the U.S. Government after the Great Depression in 1929; some Japanese lost respect for the U.S. Government and the U.S. financial sector after the Plaza Accord and the Persian Gulf War.

Finally, after the launch of the War on Terror and the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. became more Anglo-Saxon than Christian, so that much more Japanese lost respect for the U.S. Government and the U.S. financial sector.

The coming Hatoyama Administration in Japan is conditioned by this trend.

The basics in this context are that the new Japanese Cabinet to be led by Mr. Yukio Hatoyama is not Anglo-Saxon, Christian, American, but more Confucian value-oriented.

Most of members of the Democratic Party of Japan are not anti-America or anti-Christian, but pro-Confucianism.

It is so, since Japanese are more traditional Confucian value-oriented than today's Chinese are.

(To be continued...)

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(L'étoile d'or briller dans le ciel sombre utilisé pour ressembler à me bénissant. It now looks like blessing me and you. It is so, since the Diet Building is to regain its old color shade.

Mat 9:1 And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.

Mat 9:2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.