Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Because They Repented Not"

(Tokyo City toward the southern bay)


Confucius said that some people deplorably boast what they have created while they have no knowledge; but he, Confucius, is the one who listens more and selects only valuable matter to write it down, since it is the way for knowledge.

According to the teaching of Jesus Christ, a man with holy knowledge does neither make money nor make war.


Looking at the list of Nobel Prize winners till 2005 since 1901, we can find
- 48 Judaists among total 182 winners in Nobel Prize in Medicine;
- 44 Judaists among total 178 winners in Nobel Prize for Physics; and
- 26 Judaists among total 147 winners in Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

It is as if 33% of mankind were Judaists, though in fact they account for only 0.2%.

Yet, it is after Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) that Judaist scientists started to prevail, while Newton set the foundation for modern mechanics and engineering.

For example, Leopold Kronecker (1823 - 1891) is one of early examples since he was a German Judaist mathematician.

What's more, Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) and James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879) were not Judaists while their work set the basement for modern electronics.

But, indeed, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) was Judaist, since he critically changed a view on the material universes of mankind.

(It is interesting that in the year Maxwell died Einstein was born just like in the year Marx died Keynes was born.)

However, Judaists were eager to introduce the writings of the Greek and Arabian scientists into Europe in the Middle Ages.

English Jew is said to have written in Latin, in 1190, a work on mathematics under the title "Mathematica Rudimenta Quædam."

In summary, Judaists have been making full efforts in these 2000 years to reach the highest in the academic sphere, resulting in the most revolutionary work of Einstein and Godel in the 20th century.

It is as if they had finally crossed the finish line before WWII in this context under the gaze of the God.


A lot of matter has changed in these 2000 years.

Yet, as the emergence of Jesus Christ is the starting point of this time period, it is reasonable to check how Christians' view on war has changed so as to see how the teaching of Jesus Christ is now prevailing.

The Christian view of war has changed throughout the history of the faith.

The early church (the first 300 years) was strongly pacifist. Origen said that Christians "do not go forth as soldiers". Tertullian wrote "only without the sword can the Christian wage war: for the Lord has abolished the sword." Clement of Alexandria wrote "...he who holds the sword must cast it away and that if one of the faithful becomes a soldier he must be rejected by the Church, for he has scorned God."

This changed rapidly in the time of Constantine - the Council of Arles in 314 said that to forbid "the state the right to go to war was to condemn it to extinction", and shortly after that Christian philosophers began to formulate the doctrine of the Just War.

For many centuries Christians believed that it was right and proper to use violence (and thus war) to spread the faith and deal with its opponents. They did not regard violence as an inherently bad thing: whether it was bad or not depended on what it was being used for.

This thinking is covered under holy wars - the main examples of which, for Christians, are the Crusades.

From Constantine onwards Christian writers and preachers have used warlike and soldierly metaphors in their writing about the faith.

The idea that violence is not inherently bad can also be seen in some versions of the Just War doctrine - violence (war) can be a vital tool in restoring justice and peace.

Accordingly, Christians invented a rifle, a cannon, a handgun, a machine gun, an iron warship, an airplane, a missile, etc., all first used in Europe or North America.

In summary, Christians look like having made full efforts in these 2000 years, especially after the time of Constantine, to reach the highest in the sphere of war and violence rather than of science, resulting in the most revolutionary invention and application of the atomic or nuclear bomb and other powerful or sophisticated weapons in the 20th century and beyond.

It is as if they were yet to finally cross the finish line after WWII in this context under the gaze of the God.

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Leopold Kronecker is said to have said, "God made the integers; all else is the work of man."

Albert Einstein wrote: "I, at any rate, am convinced that God does not throw dice."

At the most fundamental level, the nature is only expressed with integers; the energy levels within an atom is not linear but discrete. The core of an atom consists of only a few or several elementary entities called quark which belongs to the space of integers mathematically.

But, is the God of Kronecker and Einstein the same God of war-loving Christians?

Anyway as symbolized by the War on Terror in 2001 and the Wall Street Shock in 2008, war and money of America might be the American Testament of the 21st Century.

(As Jesus Christ did not teach any advanced science, what Kronecker and Einstein said might be very correct, but I suppose as "0" and the infinite are two primary concepts of numbers it is not so sinful to argue real numbers as well as imaginary numbers, since the God allowed mankind to invent a dice...)

Mat 11:20 Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:

Mat 11:21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

Mat 11:22 But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.