Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Give us this day our daily bread" - (Young Nations after Independence)

Tokyo Bay

Young Nations after Independence (jeunes nations après l'indépendance)

The focus must be always on poor people in poor countries.

It is so, since rich people in rich countries do not respect any sincere activities based on the teaching of the God.

So, it might be more blessed to be colonized than colonizing other weak countries against the teaching of the God.

SECTION I: Review of Modern History

Some people in the world do not know that Japan has no colonial master.

Japan has never been colonized by China, Russia, European countries, and the U.S. in its 2000 year history, though it lost a war against the U.S. in 1945. Japan has been an independent country for 2000, 4000, 8000, or 10,000 years. Japan is the only nation in the world that has kept its integrity without interruption for at least 2000 years, though the Japanese myth claims that the Imperial Family has enjoyed 2600 year history.

1910: South Africa decolonized from the U.K.

1919: Afghanistan freed from the U.K.

1921: Mongolia independent from China

1922: Egypt nominally freed from the U.K.

1925: Iran independent from the U.K.

1932: Iraq independent from the U.K.

1932: Saudi Arabia fully independent from the Ottoman Empire

1932: Manchukuo independent from China (to be subject to Japan)

1943: Lebanon freed from the U.K.

1945: Vietnam declared independence from France

1945: Taiwan left Japan

1946: Syria freed from the U.K.

1946: Jordan freed from the U.K.

1946: The Philippines decolonized from the U.S.

1947: India and Pakistan decolonized from the U.K.

1948: Sri Lanka decolonized from the U.K.

1948: Israel established

1948: Myanmar decolonized from the U.K.

1948: South and North Koreas independent from Japan

1949: Indonesia decolonized from the Netherlands

1951: Oman decolonized from the U.K.

1951: Libya independent from Italy

1953: Laos decolonized from France

1953: Cambodia decolonized from France

1956: Sudan freed from the U.K. and Egypt

1956: Morocco independent from France and Tunisia

1957: Malaysia decolonized from the U.K.

1957: Ghana decolonized from the U.K.

1958: Guinea decolonized from France

1960: Many African countries decolonized from European countries

1961: Kuwait freed from the U.K.

1965: Singapore independent from Malaysia

1971: Bahrain decolonized from the U.K.

1971: Qatar decolonized from the U.K.

1971: UAE decolonized from the U.K.

1971: Bangladesh independent from Pakistan

1975: East Timor freed from Portugal to be annexed to Indonesia

1975: West Sahara freed from Spain

1977: Djibouti decolonized from France

1984: Brunei decolonized from the U.K.

1997: Hong Kong decolonized from the U.K.

1999: Macau decolonized from Portugal

Note that before WWII Russia, the U.K. and France had partial interest in the Chinese continent as indicated with reduced color of each nation.

SECTION II: The Middle East Colonization

The Middle East is an old but new world in terms of its role in the world history.
Blame the British and French for Today's Mayhem in the Middle East
Napoleon's foray into Egypt in 1798, in the midst of the French Revolution, began a long string of European adventures in the Middle East, leading to colonization, resistance, and eventually war.
British leaders also had to consider the pressure coming from Baron Rothschild, a wealthy, politically-active Zionist (and close friend of Weizmann). The financial support of the Rothschilds, at a time when the country had to float loan after loan, would be lost, if the Zionist request were refused.

Iranians, the Arabs, and Turks could be subject to Allah but should not be subject to the English and the French.

Or could they be subject to European Christianity?

Ultimately, Islamic terror cannot change this trend of history. Probably New Islam will help them cope with Christian Europe. Somebody must be given other holy words by the Angel of Allah, since more than 1200 years have passed since the establishment of Islam.

*** *** *** ***

In Arabic and Persian books written in the 9th or 10th century, a strange country was mentioned.

It was called "Wak-Wak" (bilad al-waqwaq) where gold was abundant.

In the 11th century, a Saracen author wrote that Wak-Wak was situated in the east of China. People of Wak-Wak used gold for products for daily use.

Japan was called "Wa" by the Chinese authority before the 8th century. The nation of Wa might sound like "Wa-kuo." Accordingly, Wak-Wak in the Arabic/Persian literature could be identified as "Wa-kuo," namely Japan.

(Then around 1300, Marco Polo, of the Venetian Republic wrote a book called The Travels of Marco Polo in which he mentioned Japan as a country full of gold.)

It is the capital of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) of China that students from Japan must have met merchants from the Arabic/Persian world. It is believed that Japanese students were given alluvial gold as their expenses by the Imperial court of Japan.

However, Japan is so far from the Middle East. No Muslims have ever come to Japan to preach Islam. Nonetheless, after WWII many Japanese businessmen traveled to the Middle East simply to buy crude oil in large quantity with a huge amount of the US dollar or the Japanese yen. What religious influences they have had on Muslims are yet unknown.

Mat 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.