Monday, June 20, 2011

"treasures in heaven" - (Islamic Nations)


Private Railway


Islamic Nations (Nations islamiques)

There is a mystery in the world.

If Christianity is a key to success of Europe and America, why would not all the non-Christian countries try to introduce Christianity in a large scale into their society? Then those nations would have more chances to realize their version of the European Dream and the American Dream.

The Christian Middle East, Christian India, and even Christina China must have more chances to rank with Europe and America if they totally changed their religion or philosophy to Christianity.

Indeed, there are two cases that deny such a need: the Soviet Union and Japan.

Nonetheless, the Soviet Union was based on the Judaistic-European philosophy. It is not totally anti-European Christianity.

The significance of Japan really consists in this historical fact: Japan based on totally non-European spiritualism succeeded in modernization to rank with European nations and the U.S. all through the 20th century. Accordingly, India and China would not introduce Christianity fully for their development. Yet, it might be a little more complicated for Islamic nations.

SECTION I: Modern History of Islam in General

Who is to blame for the present state of the Islamic nations?

Retreat And Anxiety: Islam Imperiled

The 19th century was a time of severe reverses for the peoples of the Islamic world. Outflanked and outfought by their old European rivals, Islamic leaders either became puppets of European overlords or their lands passed under the rule of infidel colonial rulers. Diverse forms of resistance, from the reformist path taken by the Ottoman sultans to the prophetic rebellions of leaders such as Muhammad Achmad, slowed but could not halt the European advance. European products and demands steadily eroded the economic fabric and heightened social tensions in Islamic lands. The stunning military and economic successes of the Christian Europeans cast doubts on Muslim claims to possession of the one true faith. By the century's end it was clear that neither the fundamentalists, who called for a return to a purified Islam free of Western influences, nor the reformers, who argued that some borrowing from the West was essential for survival, had come up with a successful formula for dealing with the powerful challenges posed by the industrial West. Failing to find adequate responses and deeply divided within, the Islamic community grew increasingly anxious over the dangers that lay ahead. Islamic civilization was by no means defeated, but its continued viability was clearly threatened by the powerful neighbor that had become master of the world.

So, European Christians armed with modern technology, weapons, systems, knowledge, and financial power came to occupy Islamic nations. They did not help Muslims develop themselves in modern technology, weapons, systems, knowledge, and financial power. They put Muslims in disadvantageous positions with less power to resist Western invasions. Accordingly, European nations became richer by controlling Muslims and their governments. European nations came to feel no threats from Islamic nations. European business thrived by exploiting cheap labor, big market, natural and national resources, and so on in the Islamic regions. No European elites, including those in the Vatican, claimed that European Christians had to treat Muslims as equal as possible to help them advance in modern industry and social systems. It is as if a big covert religious war was fought between European Christians and Middle East Muslims, which resulted in an overwhelming victory of the former.

Then, the World War II ended. European powers were exhausted through the devastating war. On the other hand, crude oil fields were discovered around the Persian Gulf one after another. Then the U.S. came to take its share of profits in Western dominance in the Middle East. And, very conveniently Israel was established, which justified American involvement in the Middle East. Though Western powers had to allow Muslims to get independent forming their own governments, the advantageous position they had over the Middle East never changed.

Young Muslim elites in the Middle East all wanted to go and study in Europe or America. Nobody tried to restore pride and glory of Islam. The elderly Muslim elites in the Middle East all received big money from Western oil companies. Nobody tried to restore pride and glory of Islam. Ordinary Muslims in Turkey all went or wanted to go to Germany for work; ordinary Muslims in North Africa and Palestine all went or wanted to go to France or Italy for work; and ordinary Muslims in Palestine and Pakistan all went or wanted to go to the U.S. or the U.K. for work. Nobody tried to restore pride and glory of Islam.

(For example, the British Royal Family has been so rotten morally, as proven through the Princess Diana's case. But, pious Muslims have been forced to obey the British Government for so long.)

However, some Soviet socialistic influences appeared in countries such as Iraq; some Islamic fundamental movement appeared in countries such as Iran. Even Islamic terrorists appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But, they offered no hope to Muslims in large.

Then, finally, Islamic democratic movement started in Tunisia, Egypt, and other Islamic nations.

If this movement should lead to emergence of New Islam, it could be successful. Or, only if this movement should lead to emergence of New Islam, it could be successful.

*** *** *** ***

If there were no crude oil fields at all in Islamic nations, what should happen to Muslims in the Middle East?

If all the crude oil fields in the world were in Europe, Russia, Africa, India, China, and north and south Americas, what should happen to Muslims in the Middle East?

Indeed, Allah gave the Koran and crude oil to native peoples in the Middle East. But for what purpose?

From a Japanese point of view, it is because they are so far away from Japan while facing grave threats from European and American Christians. On the other hand, Taiwan, South Korea, and even China are so close to Japan; they do not need the Koran and crude oil to conquer grave threats from European and American Christians. They only have to introduce Japanese technologies and funds, which the Far East nations have actually done.

Conversely, the God does not trust European and American Christians. That is why native peoples in the Middle East are given the Koran and crude oil while East Asian countries are given Japanese technologies and funds.

So, the point at issue is rather how much the God does not trust European and American Christians.

Yet, Muslims in the Middle East have to advance to respond to the expectations of Allah. They have to probably advance to New Islam.

Mat 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: