Sunday, July 03, 2016

"with what measure ye mete" - Miracullously Too Little Water on the Earth

The Pacific Ocean west of Tokyo

Miracullously Too Little Water on the Earth

The moon is a very unique secondary planet.  It is too large compared with other secondary planets moving around primary planets.

The prevalent theory on how the moon was created is as follows:
The giant-impact hypothesis, sometimes called the Big Splash, or the Theia Impact suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth and an astronomical body the size of Mars, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, in the Hadean eon; about 20 to 100 million years after the solar system coalesced.

But, this birth of the moon had various crtitical influences on the earth.  One of them is that it allowed formation of continents or lands above the sea level of the earth.  It is because the earth lost a huge amount of water due to the collision that led to the formation of the moon.
The energy of the impact would be so vast that much of the water of the Earth would boil off into space, and very little would settle back onto the remnant of Mars. Last time it happened we ended up with a very dry Moon, and the Earth's surface was red hot for many thousands of years.

Conversely, without this gigantic impact on the earth, the earth should have kept more water than it has today.  So, all over the surface of the earth must be covered by the sea.  There must be no landmass.  Accordingly, the human species must not have been created on the earth.

The ratio of weight of sea water against the total mass of the earth is just 0.02%, which looks too small.  But as the sea water is so little on the earth than is expected from scientific theories, continents and islands were formed to allow evolution of living things up to the human species.

According to a study by Japanese scientists, water that accounted for 16% of the earth mass penetrated into the core of the earth and trapped there mainly in the form of hydrogen, thus reducing the temperature of the mantle and lowering the sea level.  It means that originally the earth had the amount of water 80 times more than the sea water that today exists.  But why could such a huge amount of water penetrate into the core of the earth?  It must have been caused by the the giant-impact that produced the moon.

Indeed, if the sea water was twice as much as it is today, only mountains higher than 4,000 meters could be above the new sea level.  Then, no evolution of species could be possible.

Put simply, when the earth was created by collision and combination of many meteorites and asteroids about 4.6 billion years ago, there was water about 100 times more than it is on the earth.  But, through the gigantic impact, which resulted in formation of the moon, the earth lost much of its water or some water penetrated into the core of the earth.  As a result, only water with weight of 0.02% of the earth mass was left on the surface of the earth.  It made possible formation of continents and islands, paving the way for biological evolution.

Without the gigantic impact, all the surface of the earth today must be covered by the sea.  And in the sky, there must have been no moon.

So, this earth is a product of miracle.  The earth was created according to the design of God.

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Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.