Monday, May 07, 2007

"Get Your Motor Running"

(Ms. Segolene Royal has lost to Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy in the French Presidential Election.

The Washington Post wrote: "The choice between Sarkozy and Royal was the classic kind of right-left duel that has defined French politics for decades."

However, it actually seems that the choice was related to a religious issue as well as a racial issue.

There is a novel, "Pope Joan" (by Donna Woolfolk Gross), which claims that there was a female Pope in the 9th century, though things seem to have been more complicated.

Germans and, its relative, the British would accept a female leader due to less pressure from both traditional Christianity and a modern immigrant issue, but native French probably have to be more conservative to protect their status as they face the Mediterranean.

Africans and South Asians go to EU, and Mexicans and other Hispanics go to the U.S. But, Moses led his tribe out of slavery in Egypt to their promised land.

Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, in EU and the U.S., must come to think about their Moses' and promised lands.

In my view, Vatican and Islamic leaders have been of little help in this occasion, either.)