(The Knightly Art of Archery (Die Ritterliche Kunst des Bogenschiessens):
"...Still without speaking, the Master took his bow and two arrows. He shot the first arrow and from the sound of the impact I knew that it had found the target. The second arrow too hit audibly. The Master now asked me to go and look at both arrows. The first arrow was sunk into the very center of the target; the second had struck the end of the first and split it. I brought both arrows back. The Master looked at them pensively and said finally:..."
[ http://ca.geocities.com/stelgidopteryx/Herrigelintro.html]
Eugen Herrigel, a German philosopher, learnt the Japanese archery as a means of understanding Zen, when he was teaching in a university in Japan in late 1920's. Zen, a way of religious practices of Buddhism, helped him and his wife until his death in Germany in 1955.)
"O God, Give Me Credit for It"