Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Reclamation of Tokyo Bay

(Ms. Hiroko Kuniya has been working for NHK for 26 years as a news caster or an anchorperson, though she is not an employee of the public broadcasting station.

She started her career as a forerunner of a type of career women who graduate from a US university and work in an international sector in Japan. Such women are today moving their way not only into leading positions in non-nonsense business but also into the national parliament called Diet.

Since 1993, Ms. Kuniya has been hosting a 30-minute reporting/commentary program, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., dealing with various social issues.

Last night, she picked up "blog," an Internet software program to conveniently present texts and pictures through a host system.

The point under discussion is that "blog" is sometimes used, especially in the U.S., for advertisement and commercial purposes, not in a plain and honest manner but under disguise of an unpaid-citizen's voluntary service for other consumers.

This blog "EEE-Reporter" has no sponsors; there are no bosses, gurus, or politicians of any sorts behind this blog. There is only God or Allah upon it just like upon your head.

Ms. Hiroko Kuniya, well observing the rules of etiquette for so long, has actually become a heroine in this field, though without much fanfare due to the [unpopular] brand of NHK, probably because she looks like having no stupid associations with money-driven bosses, gurus, or politicians behind the scene.

You follow God or Allah. That alone is truly a big enterprise even though you think your are No.1 in a certain sector in the U.S. or any other country.)