Warnings Here and There
Monday's earthquake in Japan hit the car component maker Riken Corporation (http://www.riken.co.jp/e/index.html) and stopped its operation. Now, Toyota Motor Corp. and other five car manufacturers have to stop its operation, due to the lack of necessary parts to be provided by Riken. The all-out suspension of production in Toyota is expected to continue to tomorrow, while Riken's production lines need the next week for full recovery.
Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/index-e.html) was also hit and has been also forced to stop their operation at the nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture which was the major disaster area of the earthquake that took lives of 10 people and has forced more than 4,000 people to stay in shelters even today. Tokyo Electric Power has reported more than 50 malfunctions or accidents, though small, in their nuclear power generation site situated on the Sea of Japan (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/19/world/asia/19japan.html?hp).
Toyota and Tokyo Electric Power are two of top-tier corporations in Japan. However, their precaution for crisis or awe in God is now doubted. Especially, in October 2004, they experienced an earthquake almost in the same area.
Now, the Japanese Government should consider whether the capital Tokyo is sufficiently prepared for a large natural disaster, such as the Second Kanto Earthquake horribly expected to happen around or off Tokyo at any time.
It is of course desirable to relocate government agencies and corporate main offices from Tokyo to nearby prefectures as long as official functions and civil services as well as business are not fatally influenced.
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Even in New York, large steam pipes have exploded with huge vapor columns in the middle of the city (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/19/nyregion/19explode.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin); in Brazil, a notorious airport has at last taken 200 or so lives while having so many warnings beforehand (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/19/world/americas/19brazil.html).
You really need somebody who can serve God spiritually. And, we have to help such persons. It is all for the nation and the people, say, of the U.S., Brazil, Japan, or any other country.
(The God sometimes gives a symbolic person to each tribe or nation. He or she should be spotlighted by Angels to see if others are pious enough or not through their relationship with such a person.
Conversely, if one person in a city is found to be pious, the whole city might be spared. For example, the peace in New York now may be proving it.
Indeed, if the Second Kanto Earthquake takes only hundred lives instead of 10,000, it is said that Tokyo will be very lucky. Truly, we need more pious people here and there.
["Kan-to(u)" means a region Tokyo belongs to, literally meaning "the East (tou, originally higashi) of the Checking Station (kan, originally seki)."])
"...I Will Tell Them Things Unknown Since the Creation of the World..."