Saturday, July 21, 2007

Where Are You Going, Ms. Americas? Go and Vote!

A Park on a River
A Park and a Dog(s)
A Park like a 3D Cross
(at various locations around Tokyo or Tokio)
Where Are You Going, Ms. Americas? Go and Vote!

Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards made a TV appearance in "Larry King Live." I was very much drawn into the CNN open interview by Mr. Larry King.

President Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice-President Mr. John Edwards? Or, President Mr. John Edwards and Vice-President Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton (with Mr. Barack Obama as the Secretary of State)?

In my view, some international political and financial group has been pushing Mr. John Edwards to join the Presidential Election Race. As a successful citizen on the first track of the finance-oriented society, Mr. John Edwards had to inevitably respond to such a request and expectation, in my personal view.

(A Japanese newspaper today reported on specific relationships between financial businesses and Mr. Lawrence Summers, the daughter of the Clintons, and so on politically unignorable, in addition to the state of financial contribution from such businesses to major candidates for the 2008 Election.)

However, what impressed me in today's "Larry King Live" was the determination observed in Mrs. Edwards trying to contribute without reservation to coming success of her husband in the current campaign.
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I do not think American husband and wife are blessed more than those in other countries. They may be rather closer to the hell in America due to so much material freedom and unrestricted individualism. (Unless love becomes stronger with time, how can they stay together while their love becomes weaker with time, when there are so many other things outside their home that raise much stronger love?)

But, when man and wife are advancing to a certain common goal, an American couple looks traditionally more powerful than those in other countries.

Indeed, it is not the state of the Garden of Eden that any Ms. America should be dreaming of in her life, but a mission like the one St. Paul pursued with Early Church in the first century, since it only strengthens love along with time.
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Mrs. Edwards looks like going for a mission, too, though very secular.

Then and now, where are you going, other Ms. Americas? I recommend the mission St. Paul began 2000 years ago, for it only strengthens love with time.

Truly, St. Paul is great as Jesus Christ so chose him with dazzling light from the sky or in his spiritual space, so that his love in God got stronger and stronger over time.

(Jesus Christ never blessed specifically man and wife together at one time. Hence, only when man and wife together have pursued a holy mission, I suppose, they together are admitted to Heaven.

Anyway, most of them in Heaven seem to forget who they married on the earth.

Or who do you want to be with, if you get eternal life removing your need for any money?

Indeed, you, good girls, need a holy mission to enter Heaven with your loving one or your petit ami.)

"...God's Wisdom is however Shown to be True for All who Accept it..."