A big news report came from Osaka, Japan, last week: Cold-fusion demonstration "a success!"
You can also refer to the following:
But, the mainstream media in Japan has neglected this success which is so claimed by Mr. Yoshiaki Arata, for some reasons…
When burning oil, the following reaction occurs illustratively:
C3H8 + 5O2 => 3CO2 + 4H2O + Heat
Heat: C + O2 => CO2 + 94.05 Kcal/mol or 3.93E+5 J/mol
On the other hand, heat generated through nuclear fusion is 6.3E+10 J/mol.
Compared 393000 Jules with 63000000000 Jules, the nuclear fusion generates 100,000 times larger energy per unit of materials.
But, the nuclear fusion is so far believed to need large-scale complicated systems and facilities dealing with very high temperature, while burning oil needs a conventional heat power station.
Yet, if the nuclear fusion is realized in a small-sized or economical system at normal temperature, it offers, as a routine process, hundred-thousand times larger energy than a steam power plant.
But, every scientific experiment for this aim has so far only produced dubious data. Or, its claimed success has been always doubted in terms of repeatability or reproductivity.
There are still some die-hard scientists who have been pursuing cold fusion in experiment or theory, though the mainstream scientific community is cool to the prospect of study on nuclear fusions to be realized at ordinary temperatures and pressures.
Apart from Mr. Yoshiaki Arata’s effort, there are other insightful papers by some Japanese scientists on the Internet in this field.
The scientist, Mr. Hideo Kozima, Professor Emeritus at Shizuoka University, wrote that a great number of neutrons form a kind of wave in a crystal structure of some metal that has already absorbed hydrogen or heavy hydrogen deuterium, so as to gather together in a very high density.
In this state, a neutron (N) reacts with a deuterium (D), which is a kind of hydrogen, causing heat. The heat further accelerates reactions with other particles in the solid metal substance. The total reactions all the more accelerates the neutrons which in turn accelerate deuteriums through elastic scattering. Then, the deuteriums are fused together generating a helium (He) and heat as follows:
D (high energy) + D => He (with 3Ns, 0.82 MeV) + N (2.45 MeV), or
D (high energy) + D => He (with 4Ns, 76 keV) + Gamma-Ray (light, 23.8 MeV)
(1 eV = 1.602 176 53(14)×10−19 J.)
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According to Mr. Hideo Kozima's theory, the key to achieving this type of cold fusion is the existence of a great multitude of neutrons, in the background, each of which has however no electric charge at all.
A hydrogen atom has one nucleus and one electron, like the earth and the moon.
A carbon atom has one nucleus and six electrons.
An oxygen atom has one nucleus and eight electrons.
Our body is made of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, etc., and thus is made of many nuclei and more electrons.
(Electrons are source of electricity in a macro size.)
But, a nucleus is made of protons and neutrons.
A special force combines these two types of particles together to form a nucleus, which is a source of nuclear energy.
And, very strangely, a proton has an electric charge with the strength exactly equal to that an electron has, though their polar characters are opposite, negative and positive.
This is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.
Why can a proton and an electron share the same amount of electric charge, though in the opposite directions, while the mass of each particle is as follows:
Proton: 1.6726E-24 gram
Neutron: 1.6750E-24 gram
Electron: 0.0009E-24 gram
(E-24 = 0.000000000000000000000001)
In short, a proton is 1835 times heavier than an electron, though in the sphere of 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams. Nonetheless, its strength of the electric charge is exactly the same as that of one electron.
Anyway, as an atom is electrically neutral, for example, a carbon atom with six electrons has six protons in addition six neutrons in a normal case.
A hydrogen atom is simpler, with one proton and one electron but no neutron. However, it can have one or more neutrons. When it has one neutron, it is called deuterium as above used in the nuclear fusion.
And, I have an idea about why the God, who is the Creator of the Universe, set the rule of electric charges for a proton and an electron.
But, remember, if the strength of the charge in each particle is even slightly different, there would be no atoms at all in this universe.
Yet, strangely again, scientists only state that the common value of the charge is about 1.602176487E-19 coulombs.
Even mass-produced goods in the industry of mankind cannot meet this standard of precision.
(One coulomb is equal to energy carried by one ampere of electric current for one second. Maybe the French scientist, A.M. Ampere, is still too much influential...)
Finally, without enough faith and awe in God, mankind will not be allowed to fully use the nucleus power, including nucleus fusion as well as nuclear fission so safely.
In addition, it is a Japanese scientist, called Hideki Yukawa, who first theoretically explained the nature of the force (different from an electric charge or gravity) that combines a proton with a neutron in a nucleus, though ironically before WWII or an atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagaski in 1945; Listen to Japanese scientists.
(Now you know how confusing the term “carbon” is to the general public, while CO2-global-warming theory advocacy groups are selling a wrong idea on the origin of CO2.
Carbon atoms are everywhere including inside our bodies; but they have nothing to do with global warming unless they are burnt to form CO2.
Now, I wonder about what horrible misleading idea those bad guys will try to infuse into the general public in terms of nuclear power.
That is why any news on cold fusion must be checked carefully.
Do you deserve such checking?)
Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Gen 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.