Monday, May 17, 2010

"he withdrew himself into the wilderness"

(Nippon Maru and a paddle steam boat in the Tokyo Bay as large as the Dead Sea, Israel)

Time to Take Action?

There are many Japanese in Bangkok.

If a large scale clash should happen between the Thai military and the demonstrators, Japanese citizens and businesses might have a grave influence.

Buddhism can be of no help in stopping a civil war as observed in the Japanese history.

The Thai Government should not use military troops for crackdown on civilian protesters.

National bankruptcy is better than a civil war, so that financial means should be applied.

SECTION I: The Last Oil Shock

I read The Last Oil Shock yesterday, though in Japanese.

Louis Christian, a retired oil company geologist who lives in Dallas, and a map maker with long experience in the Middle East. In the spring of 1998 the United States Geological Survey called to ask him to produce something on Iraq. His new maps would not tell the Marine Corps how to get to Baghdad, but may have everything to do with the reason they went.

An oil peak theory author Mr. David Strahan presents is not so interesting now, due to oil shale and oil sands so abundant in North America expected to be turned to, and used as crude oil.

But, the author pointed at a strong possibility that then President Mr. George W. Bush and Vice President Mr. Dick Cheney had a plan in the spring of 2001 to make war with Iraq.

Therefore, with or without the 2001-9-11 terror, the Bush Administration did most probably launch a war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

The shock Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney felt on September 11, 2001, must have come from their realization that somebody did launch a war against the Bush Administration before they started a war. Naturally, they would think that Saddam Hussein who had happened to know the plan of the Bush's War was behind AlQaeda to preempt it.

Like the Pearl Harbor Attack and the JFK Assassination, the truth on the most responsible side was yet to be revealed with the 9/11 Terror.

For your information,
Confirmed Reserves of Crude Oil as of the End of 2008 by BP:

#1...Saudi Arabia...36.3 billion tons

Source: The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, May 12

In 2004, the amount of crude oil traded globally was 2.1 billion tons. The oil reserves in the Middle East alone could support 45 year consumption if the consumption level should be constant. For the time being (10 to 20 years), the world will not have to worry about the coming oil peak catastrophe, according to the latest data.

See also .

SECTION II: Japan's Bankruptcy

It is widely known that rich, very rich, and super rich people in Greece have not paid tax sufficiently, causing the national bankruptcy of the nation.

One way to avoid Japan's bankruptcy is to collect tax sufficiently from rich, very rich, and super rich Japanese people.

Another way is separation of tax collection and governmental financial expenditure.

Financial expenditure by the government must be executed with bills printed by the government but not by the central government which is restricted by its nature of being a bank.

The amount of bills to be newly printed by the government must be however controlled by some authentic theory.

The value of yen can be influenced, but with a huge potential of provision by the Japanese industry, no catastrophe is thinkable.

The conventional paradigm of economics has restricted behaviors of the Bank of Japan, leading a huge national debt in the form of huge issuance of government bonds almost all of which are however purchased and possessed by Japanese financial institutes and individuals unlike the case of Greece.

The key to the solution is a paradigm change from conventional economics accompanied by an enhanced level of ethics among the people.

*** *** *** ***

I might be just playing a role of somebody for a very long time.

I feel this way sometimes. But, if I can control that somebody fully, there are no problems.


Look at that Chaplin acting naturally!)

Luk 5:16 And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.

Luk 5:17 And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.